News from Kambarang 8
Daily Adventures in Learning
In Classroom Kambarang 8, each day is brimming with exciting learning opportunities! Our students eagerly engage in a variety of activities designed to enhance their skills in writing, reading, speaking, and listening. From imaginative play sessions to lively group craft activities, every moment is a chance to grow and learn. Our mathematics lessons are dynamic and interactive, challenging students to think critically and problem-solve creatively. Additionally, we infuse our days with fun learning activities, fostering a love for exploration and discovery in every subject.

Exploring the Arts and STEM
Our classroom is a hub of creativity and innovation, with a diverse range of incursions and specialist activities enriching our learning journey. One highlight is our weekly ballet incursions with the Chance to Dance program, where students immerse themselves in the world of music, dance, and The Arts. These sessions not only nurture our students' artistic talents but also promote self-expression and confidence. Moreover, during the Semester, we have delved into the fascinating realm of STEM with Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Deans. Through hands-on experiences, students were introduced to diverse digital technologies, including our new robotic friends: Cubetto, Code-a-Pillar, and Ozobots. They also explored the characteristics of living things, learning how to discern between living and non-living entities, sparking curiosity about the natural world around them.

Building Skills and Confidence
As we progress through the semester, our students continue to flourish academically and socially. Daily morning fitness, cooking, independent living skills and positive behaviour exercises strengthen their communication and life skills, while reading activities ignite their imaginations and expand their vocabulary. Our speaking, listening and Auslan sessions foster effective communication and collaboration, essential skills for success both inside and outside the classroom. In mathematics, students tackle important concepts with determination and enthusiasm, building a solid foundation for future learning. Beyond academics, our classroom community thrives on mutual respect, kindness, and support, creating a nurturing environment where every student feels valued and empowered.

Looking Ahead
With each passing day, Classroom Kambarang 8 embarks on new adventures in learning. As we eagerly anticipate the upcoming months, we're excited to continue exploring, discovering, and growing together. Stay tuned for more updates on our journey of curiosity and creativity!
Esther Rose
Sensory Day
On the last day of term 3 students had a fun time with theme based play in the ESC playground area for recess and lunch. Thank you to room 6 for organising this play based SENSORY DAY.
SENSORY ITEMS : Shaving cream, bubbles and sand. FOOD SENSORY : Rice, Spaghetti, cereal, herbs for smelling. PAINTING : Paint rollers to paint the cubby house. WATER : Pvc piping zip tied to fence with 2ltr bottles of water and trays with water. PARTY : Popcorn, streamers, balloons and music.

Pyjama Day and Community Disco
The school held a Pyjama Day fundraising event for Year 6 Fun Week!
Thank you to the P&C and ESC staff for organising a wonderful Community Disco event. The students had a ball and it was great to see many parents and staff participating and enjoying the disco.


Anzac Day
Thank you to everyone who attended our ANZAC Service. We are so proud of all the students who participated in the service.

News from Room 4
Year 1 and 2 little legends – Room 4
Room 4 students have had a great start to term 2 and it has been wonderful getting to know each of them.
Term 1 flew by, with the students settling in and learning the routines of the classroom whilst having fun in a play based learning environment. They are arriving each day and using their visual schedules; which helps them clarify the ‘where-how-when-how long’ of events so they become more independent in managing their own space and time. They have learnt to unpack and pack their own school bag, line up to go to daily fitness, pack away play items, follow instructions and many social play skills, like sharing and taking turns using the class Rocket Ship they decorated and had a wonderful time finding props to play inside it, writing out a turn list and learning how to ‘enter’ play with other students,
The students do well through our TEACCH program structure, and posting to the relevant area in the classroom where they need to go during work times. This method relies on the core principles of structured teaching. These principles are: the organization of the physical environment, a predictable sequence of activities, visual schedules, routines and flexibility, work/activity systems, and visually structured activities.
The student’s have enjoyed many shared reading sessions with some classic story books for children and are improving at interacting and answering questions or giving opinions about the story either verbally or using the PODD or their AAC device, before completing a craft activity related to the story.
The students’ had fun meeting our class’s writing robot, ‘Roly’ and used some coding techniques to program him to write letters.
We have loved seeing their happy faces when they participate in our bike riding sessions and cooking on our ‘Fun Fridays’, where there is so much oral language and also an opportunity to sound out words and do a joint writing session of the ingredients and utensils we are using during our cooking session.
Through our Positive Behaviour Support lessons, the student’s are learning our school’s expected behaviours and are acknowledged for following the expectations by receiving class rewards, visiting our Principal and merit awards at assembly.
We are looking forward to another busy but fun-filled term of learning with more gymnastics on Wednesday mornings, Music and Movement Mondays and STEAM specialist lessons on Tuesday’s.
We are all so proud of our little legends in room 4.
Room 4 staff.
Christine Bloomfield (Teacher).
Gabby LaGalia, Regina Rajah, Emma Atkin and Marinella Vacari (Education Assistants).

Harmony Day 2023
Westminster Schools celebrated our diversity again this year with a beautiful multicultural Harmony day feast. Staff and students were wearing orange to show their support for cultural diversity and inclusivity. Thank You to our families, staff and students who came together and shared delicious food from different cultures.

Animal Farm Incursion
On the 24th November, Farmer Mick attended with his mobile animal farm, students from kindy to year 5 thoroughly enjoyed interacting with the animals, there was even an escapee goat that managed to find his way to the vegetable gardens and was enjoying some lovely freshly vegies.

Year 6 Fun week
Cuddly Animal Farm
Students in Year 6 had a fantastic 3 days of beautiful weather and amusement at Cuddly Animal Farm, Outback Splash and Pia’s Place. On Wednesday 23rd, Year 6 enjoyed watching and cuddling the farm animals, especially the alpaca, kangaroo, the guinea pigs, as well as admiring the peacock and feeding the goats and lambs with a bottle! Students had a fun ride on the mini train, jumped on the bouncy castle and had a photo taken on the red tractor. It was an amazing day!

Outback Splash
On Thursday 24th the students in Year 6 had a refreshing and splashing sunny day at Outback Splash. It was a lovely day, full of fun, running round and round, up and down the slides and tunnels, left and right without breaks except for lunch. So much energy! They finished the day sliding down the gigantic slide!
Pia’s Place
We finished our exciting Year 6 Camp trip at Pia’s Place on Friday the 25th having fun on the swings, the flying fox, up and down the red and white lighthouse, which they enjoyed so much going down the tunnel. They relaxed on the hammock and went round the merry go round! Students finished the day with an exciting ride on the tram around Whiteman Park and an ice-cream. We are sure it was a memorable trip with friends that they will never forget!

ESNN Lego Robotics Competition 2022
Congratulations to the team, "Lego Developers" for winning the "Programming Award" in the ESNN 2022 Lego Robotics Competition. The students demonstrated innovation, team work, inclusion and enthusiasm by learning on how to use the Lego Spike software and worked together to create an effective program for their model. Well Done Room 5!
Lego Competition 2022

Outdoor classroom day
Outdoor Classroom Day - Our students had an amazing day discovering & exploring the outdoors, enjoying fresh air, nature and sunshine. They were involved in various activities such as Nature Bracelet, Scavenger Hunt, Erupting Sand Volcano, Rock Painting, Rainbow Activity, Little Bird's Day - StoryTime and Spraying Silhouette.

All students at Westminster participate in a specialised STEAM program. This means that for 1 day a week the focus is on Science, Technology and Art often taught through integrated themes and projects. STEAM projects give students a chance to engage in hands-on, experiential learning. Students are often using different materials and tools in order to discover how something works, how to build it, and how to fix it. The theme this semester has been on Chemical Sciences which deals with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions.
We had a wonderful visit from Scitech with their Mix and Make Show and workshop which explored what happens when common ingredients found at home get mixed together.

We have also been conducting lots of science experiments in class and observing what happens.

We have also had lots of fun observing what happens when we mix colours and the students have created some beautiful art work.

And we have explored how to create different types of lines, such as straight lines and zigzags, and include them into our own creations.

During Technology lessons the students have used different materials to create and build things designed for a purpose such as a house for the 3 little pigs or choosing what features to include when designing their own gardens.

New Building Update

Dear Parents/Carers,
Two weeks ago the Education Support staff had a walk through the building site and had an early peek at the newly renovated classrooms, staff room and temporary administration. We are now all really excited about what the new schools will look like in the future.
Stage one is now complete which means rooms 18 (Miss Fitzgerald), 19 (Miss Philips) and 20 (Miss Carroll and Miss Crook) will be moving into the newly renovated classrooms on the Ungaroo Road side of the campus. Also the Administration teams and reception from both schools will be temporarily locating on that side of the campus. Commencing next term the entrance to the education support centre on Marloo Road will be closed as demolition works will be commencing.
There will be a new kiss and drive open on Ungaroo Road which I recommend parents to use as there is easy access to disabled parking and the temporary reception and administration team.
We appreciate our families patience in regard to parking in around the school campus to date and it will continue to be difficult whilst the building works are in progress. Please can I remind people not to park in designated ACROD parking bays.
Packing is now taking place and the relocation of the 3 classes and our Admin will start to take place in weeks 9 and 10.
Hopefully when we open the newly renovated part of the school you will be as excited as we are with what the future school will look like once it is complete.
Finally, enjoy the school break and we look forward to seeing you all back safe and sound on Tuesday the 19th of July for what I’m sure is to be an exciting new chapter in the history of Westminster Education Support Centre.
Kind Regards,
Gary Hobson

Book Award Winners
K/PP | Achievement Award | Ibrahim Mohamed |
K/PP | Citizenship Award | Cholhok Mangar |
Room 4 | Achievement Award | Sudais Abdinasir |
Room 4 | Citizenship Award | Quinn McMillan |
Room 5 | Achievement Award | Indi - Academic |
Room 5 | Citizenship Award | Malachi Chong-Nee |
Room 6 | Achievement Award | Joshua Hamuli |
Room 6 | Citizenship Award | Jason Dixon |
Room 7 | Achievement Award | Darsh Trivedi |
Room 7 | Citizenship Award | Mason Maddox |
Room 18 | Achievement Award | Ali Al-Abbasi |
Room 18 | Citizenship Award | Rayan Nadeem |
Room 19 | Achievement Award | Kai Waters |
Room 19 | Citizenship Award | Michael Gadean |
Room 20 | Achievement Award | Hairi BinRemeeAzeze |
Room 20 | Citizenship Award | Dirk Argawanon |

Be You

Last week the Be You Action Team met to discuss plans for 2021.
Ideas included special whole school events next year including but not limited to:
- EID celebrations
- Walk Safely to School day
- Incursions/Excursions (promoting wellbeing)
- Sporting events and
- End of year celebrations for the students.
We are also planning some workshops for parents such as Healthy lunchboxes and Triple P parenting. If there are any other workshops or information that you require please email your class teacher who will forward it to the team and we will endeavour to help source the right services for you.
You will also start to notice some new furniture being trialled in the classrooms that support the diverse needs of the students; and the Health and Wellbeing hub will remain in the office; regularly updated so please feel free to come and browse the information at your leisure.
Be You Action Team
Crunch & Sip Day

The month of September is the Great Vegie Crunch month. The Great Vegie Crunch aims to get children around WA crunching together on vegetables and having fun doing it.
Our Great Vegie Crunch day will be happening on Friday the 4th of September (Sports Day). Please send in a variety of vegetables with your child so they can join the school in seeing how loud we can crunch!!