Issue 13 - 7th Sep
Principal's Message

Exciting times lie ahead for the Westminster community with the refurbishment and building planning committee meeting with the architects again this week. I am sure the new facilities are going to be wonderful. Although there will be some disruption when the building work commences, it will be worth it!
Last week the dress code for 2021 was endorsed by the Westminster Schools Boards and Council. During term 4 enrolled families will be able to select an appropriate uniform package for each of their children. Families will be able to order online through Tudor Uniforms, more information to be provided in the coming weeks.
School Uniform
The school colours are royal blue and yellow.
The uniform is as follow:
- WPS Polo shirt- Royal blue and gold
- WPS Wind Jacket (fully zip up)
- Royal blue fleece pants
- Royal blue stretchy (basketball) shorts
- Royal blue skorts
- WPS Bucket hat (blue inside)
- Royal blue undershirt and leggings
- Head scarves - royal blue
- Socks and shoes, sandals
- Faction shirts to be worn for sports carnivals and Friday sports- can be purchased at Kmart or BigW
Student Leadership
Mr Baxter, Deputy Director General visited the school recently and met with the student leaders and I would like to thank Elizabeth Krekora who represented the Education Support Centre with great enthusiasm.
Kind Regards,
Gary Hobson

Our Vision
News from ESC 4
Room 4 have been having a busy and exciting third term. We have enjoyed our incursions with visits from Constable Care and Sci-tech, and have been busy practicing for our upcoming Faction Carnival.
Through the Constable Care puppet show, we explored different ways we can travel to school safely. While ‘taking a ride’ in the Professor Tells-You-Stuff’s time machine, the actors and puppets highlighted simple safety measures we need to take when walking, bike riding and travelling in the car.
We also had a great time watching and participating in Scitech’s Mix and Make chemical sciences show and workshop. We had fun discovering what happens when a few simple things are mixed together. We helped to combine different ingredients to make a whole range of interesting things from Puffy Paint to a Mega Bubble Bath! Our visit from Scitech was a great complimentary learning experience for our current chemical science program, in which our class has been doing our own mixing and making experiments and activities, from making Chocolate Crackles through to Oobleck and Sand Dough.
Throughout the day, Room 4 continues to engage in structured play. This gives our students opportunity participate and learn through different types of play, at their level, from functional to constructive to dramatic and games with rules. This time also gives our students opportunity to socially interact with their peers where they can learn and be supported to apply social skills.
Happy Spring from Room 4.

Important Dates

Tuesday 8th September | Whole School Assembly |
Tuesday 15th September | Art Exhibition Multi-cultural lunch Year 4-6 African Drumming Incursion K-6 |
Tuesday 22nd September | Inter-school Carnival |
Friday 25th September | Last day of term for students |
Sci-tech Incursion
On Wednesday the 26th of August, we celebrated Science week by participating in an exciting Chemical Science program presented by Scitech.
We learned that science can happen in all sorts of places, from the kitchen to the bathroom. First we watched a fun and lively interactive show, where the presenters demonstrated what happens when we combine different things. We were especially proud of our own budding little scientists getting involved and helping the presenter.
After the show the students continued to mix and make, by making their own mud cakes. They investigated what will happen when we change the amount of one ingredient and they observed how it affects the mixture. We weren’t allowed to taste our experiments, but we had a wonderful time mixing, smelling, looking and feeling.

Sports Carnival
The Sports carnival was a fantastic day and every one of our students demonstrated fantastic competitive skills, winning lots of ribbons on the day. It was also great to see how the Primary School students were so helpful and inclusive, encouraging our students to do their best throughout the day.

Constable Care Incursion
On Tuesday 25th August we all enjoyed an entertaining visit from Constable Care. The students participated in an interactive puppet show which addressed the concepts of bike safety, road safety and safe walking to school in a fun and engaging way. This reinforced the learning that takes place during health lessons and in the bike riding program.
After the show, there was a question and answer session during which the students got to pat some of the puppets and meet the puppeteer.

Parent Workshop
The Westminster Child & Parent Centre are holding a Parent workshop on Wednesday 9th September, with the topic being Fear & Anxiety in children.
Merit Award Winners - Week 6
Fahad Abdulrazak | ESC 1 |
Malachi Chong-Nee | ESC 2 |
Jonny Doan | ESC 3 |
Kenny Doan | ESC 4 |
Max Ognenis | ESC 6 |
Justin Van Westhuyzen | ESC 7 |

Be You

Each newsletter the Be You Action Team will aim to keep you informed of programs and services that align with being mentally and physically healthy. Don’t forget to visit our Health and Wellbeing Hub in the office foyer.
Are you aware of the Edmund Rice Centre?
The Edmund Rice Centre WA has a proud history and an on-going commitment to assisting people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, as well as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Established in 1998 to provide essential settlement services and community education activities in the northern suburbs of Perth, the Centre services have expanded more widely throughout the metropolitan area with a particular emphasis on young people and youth leadership as a way of ensuring a positive future for all.
The Edmund Rice Centre WA is recognised as one of Australia’s leading service providers by community groups, government and other agencies in the field.
Local Parks Multisport Program
The aim of this program is to provide free sporting participation opportunities to all young people, with a focus on those from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) backgrounds and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This is achieved by conducting “grassroots” programs at local parks in the community, engaging clubs and state sporting associations to increase participation, and linking young people to local clubs through the KidSport program.
The Edmund Rice Centre WA is a financial assessor for the KidSport program, which gives young people the opportunity to participate in community sport and recreation activities. The program pays up to $200 towards local club fees for families with a concession card.
This program is for children and youth from 5 to 18 years of age.
Soccer | Butterworth Park, Koondoola and Butler Community Centre, Butler |
Swimming | Balga Leisure Centre |
Tennis | Butler Community Centre, Kingsbridge Reserve, Butler |
Volleyball | Hainsworth Park, Girrawheen |
Soccer | Banksia Grove |
Contact them on:
Ph: 9440 0625 or 9440 1920

Art Exhibition
VacSwim Swimming lessons

For information, please visit:
Voluntary Contributions
One Child | $20.00 |
Two Chilren | $25.00 |
Three Children | $30.00 |
A big thankyou to those who have already paid these.
Kindergarten 2021
School Board Members
Chair Person Susan Beltman
School Members Gary Hobson
Kirsten Dunn
Suzette Boeyen
Jan Tilbrook
Raphaela Shilo
Parent Members Natalie Krekora
Vanessa Garland
Community Members John O’Rourke
Krista Kerr
Peter Dearlove