Issue 3 - Week 8
Principal's Article

Dear Parents/Carers,
Term 1 continues to be busy, and it has been wonderful to see all students continue to work hard and treat each other with respect.
It has been a pleasure walking around the school during class time and play times and seeing the happy faces and hearing the kind words around the school. The positive atmosphere around the school has been mentioned by many parents, students and teachers.
Multi-cultural celebration
On Friday 19th March, we joined with Westminster Primary School to celebrate Harmony Day with a Multi-cultural lunch. Thank you to everybody who contributed to making this lunch a success.
P & C
Tomorrow, the Parents & Citizens Association is meeting for the AGM in the Westminster Primary School staff room. Tuesday 23/03/2021 at 9am. We encourage those who would like to be involved with school planning to attend.
With the extra congestion to the kiss and drive since the Amalgamation, we would like to remind our families to take extra care when dropping and picking up your children, please be courteous to each other and be cautious of our children.
Our collaborative Assemblies with the Westminster Primary School are held fortnightly at 2.15pm, well done to all our students who have received Achievement Awards so far.
It is nice to see things are getting back to normal with events and excursions post COVID. Our senior classes have been going Bowling over the past few weeks as part of a Schools Sporting Grant program. Next week they will be going to a Lego Exhibition as part of their STEAM education.
Kind Regards,
Gary Hobson
Our Vision
News from Room 4
Term 1 is already flying by with the students in our room settling in nicely and adjusting to the class routine, whilst having fun in a play based learning environment. The kids are doing great at arriving and using their visual schedule to start the day!
Our TEACCH structure enables the students to spend some time each day working independently through four tasks, allowing them to be autonomous and feel success in completing work on their own. Our other stations comprise of explicit teaching, working with our experienced Education Assistants and myself on literacy and language, numeracy and also the group learning table using fun, hands-on materials.
We are busy working on our Sound Scrapbook craft so this will be a fun book for the kids to look back through once it is complete. The sound book activity ties in with our book for each week, so the students look forward to hearing the new story on Mondays.

The students have loved our cooking program, so don’t forget to check out the recipe when your child brings it home in their folder each week.
As we are a Crunch and Sip school, the students enjoy this straight after morning fitness and this is a great time where they learn to wait for their turn, practice language, experiment trying different foods or even just sitting and sharing the experience with other class members.

Bike riding on Wednesday’s has been lots of fun and the students are doing well at learning about safety procedures and following directions. Then Mrs McCulloch takes the day with Science, Art and Technology with super exciting and engaging activities that the kids thoroughly enjoy.

Every Thursday afternoon, we are in the Exploration Hub, the kids love building bridges and structures with the soft blocks, engaging with the calming bubble tube or exploring the play tubs where we get to practice sharing and social skills.
Its been wonderful getting to know each other and we are looking forward to all the learning and fun times ahead!
Christine Bloomfield, Amanda Collins, Annette Cruden and Maeve Hennigan.

Room 18 & 20 Bowling

Aussie of the Month

This year Westminster ESC will be participating in the Aussie of the Month program. Aussie of the Month is a free primary school recognition program which has been in operation for over twenty years. The program recognises personal endeavour, achievement and contribution to the community and reflects some of the values we share, such as fair go, mateship, respect and inclusion.
Each month, teachers will nominate a student from their class who has shown values related to active citizenship. A nomination form will go home with the student so parents are made aware their child was nominated. The Principal will then select a recipient to receive the Aussie of the Month award at the next closest assembly. A notification form will be sent home so family can arrange to be at assembly.
The first award will be for March and presented at next Tuesday’s assembly.
Crunch & Sip

Be You
Merit Award Winners - Week 7
Damjan Stoeski | Room 4 |
Blessing Gray | Room 5 |
Khalid Abdi | Room 6 |
Phoeniix Fairclough | Room 7 |
Liam Wycoco | Room 18 |
Justin Van Der Westhuyzen | Room 20 |

Easter Raffle
Balga Friday Markets

The Balga Friday Market operates each Friday (at the rear of) Herb Graham Recreation Centre Mirrabooka.
Sellers admitted from 6.00 am to 12 noon at $15 - Per bay, and buyers from 7am to 12 noon for no cost.
Bric a brack, plants, clothing, tools, books, toys, fruit & vegetables etc are all for sale and morning tea/coffee, cool drinks & water, sausage sizzle/bacon & egg toasted sandwich, can be purchased.
For further details please contact Ancell Wilde on 0404 790 037 (Wednesday to Friday only) or Alan Stafford on 9342 4895 or on the above email.
All Abilities Football
School Canteen

Westminster Undercover Cafe
Open Thursday and Friday's 8.30am-1.20pm
Cash or online (
Cash orders to be placed by 9.20am, online orders close at 8.30am
Voluntary Contributions
A big thankyou to those who have already paid these.
School Uniforms

Westminster Education Support Centre uniforms are available to purchase from Tudor Uniforms.
Address: 1/75 Excellence Drive, Wangara
Trading hours: Monday – Friday 8am-4.30pm.
Or visit:
Royal blue undershirts, leggings, head scarves, socks and shoes can be purchased through stores such as Kmart and Big W.

School Board Members
Chair Person Susan Beltman
School Members Kirsten Dunn
Suzette Boeyen
Jan Tilbrook
Raphaela Shilo
Parent Members Natalie Krekora
Vanessa Garland
Community Members John O’Rourke
Krista Kerr
Jia White