Issue 3 Week 8
Principal's Message

Hopefully everyone enjoyed an extra day of recreation and relaxation with the Western Australia Day Public Holiday. I hope that families were able to make the most of it and enjoy the mostly fine weather as well.
Over the weekend I spent a moment reflecting on what a wonderful school Westminster ESC is and how lucky we are to be on the same campus as Westminster Primary School. The weekly events, excursions and even daily routines I believe make us a tremendous school. This is reinforced through fantastic student work, kind messages from a parents and the positive attitude of staff, along with a supportive P&C and School Board all making Westminster a happy thriving place to be.
If you would like to learn more about our brilliant school, please check out our Face book page.
Good hygiene in the Cold and Flu Season
It is important that we all continue to follow good hygiene processes to ensure that illnesses, including, but not confined to, COVID-19, do not spread in the community. This is the time of year where flus and colds are prevalent. Please do not send children who are unwell to school as we wish to prevent the spread of infections to enable all students to attend school as regularly as possible.
Kindy Enrolments
It is that time of the year again when we are taking enrolments for kindergarten in 2022. We encourage you to apply now, as places are limited.
Kind Regards,
Gary Hobson
Our Vision
News from Room 7
Room 7 have had a very busy term with lots of special visitors and excursions! The students enjoyed a visit from the West Coast Eagles where they learnt all about healthy eating and the importance of exercise. They also practiced some essential football skills such and handballing, kicking and catching.
Our bowling excursions began in week 6 and the students had a fantastic time at Morley blowing. It has been great to see the students participate together in the bowling activities as well as access the wider community.
During class this term, Room 7 have been learning all about our community. We have discussed and explored places that are important to us, our friends and family. We have celebrated different cultural events and shared experiences such as food and dance from different places around the world.
The students love to participate in social skills lessons and dramatic play where we are exploring our feelings and communication. They continue to work hard on their literacy and maths outcomes and have made some fantastic improvements throughout the semester.
Keep up the great work room 7!

AFL Incursion
Over two Wednesdays, Westminster ESC had an exciting visit from two West Coast Eagles players. The players talked to us about some of the things they do as football players, including training and eating healthily and encouraged us to keep active and also eat well, too. The students also had opportunities to ask the players some questions. After their talks the players showed us techniques to handball, kick the football and score goals. We all had a great time practicing these skills. Thanks to Mark Hutchings and Luke Foley from the Eagles!

Simultaneous Storytime
We had a blast off watching NASA Astronaut Dr Shannon Walker reading for us "Give me some SPACE" by Philip Bunting from the International Space station. We also had good time making rockets.🚀 K-PP students had fun with painting and colouring the Space!

Walk Safely to School Day
A huge thankyou to all our families who attended our Walk Safely to School morning. This would have to be one of our favourite events of the year. The atmosphere was fantastic and what a yummy breakfast. It is always great to see the community come together and I’m sure the students enjoyed a bit of a different start to the day.

Merit Award Winners - Week 6
Idris Sheikh-Ahmed | Room 4 |
Betty Marshall | Room 5 |
Ameer Algelhwe | Room 6 |
Mason Maddox | Room 7 |
Anthony Montrose | Room 18 |
Ameer Alyaser | Room 20 |

School Canteen

Westminster Undercover Cafe
Open Thursday and Friday's 8.30am-1.20pm
Cash or online (
Cash orders to be placed by 9.20am, online orders close at 8.30am
Voluntary Contributions
A big thankyou to those who have already paid these.
Kindergarten 2022
Community Sports
School Uniforms

Westminster Education Support Centre uniforms are available to purchase from Tudor Uniforms.
Address: 1/75 Excellence Drive, Wangara
Trading hours: Monday – Friday 8am-4.30pm.
Or visit:
Royal blue undershirts, leggings, head scarves, socks and shoes can be purchased through stores such as Kmart and Big W.

School Board Members
Chair Person Susan Beltman
School Members Kirsten Dunn
Suzette Boeyen
Jan Tilbrook
Raphaela Shilo
Parent Members Natalie Krekora
Vanessa Garland
Community Members John O’Rourke
Krista Kerr
Jia White