Week 11 Term 2
Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers,
I think the end of term is coming at just about the right time. We have had another Covid case, so fingers crossed there is not another outbreak and we all can remain safe. The chilly weather has descended and the students and staff absences are up as our bodies are beginning to feel the effects of the cold and flu season. But we have every right to be feeling the way we do because we have enjoyed another jam pack term filled with learning, fun and activities.
Can I remind our families to sign in at our reception and get a visitor’s sticker if you are dropping off or picking up your child outside the core school times.
The school refurbishment and new building project will commence stage 2 this week. You will see that there is fencing being erected around parts of the school which include parts of the Junior campus (basketball court) and the soccer pitch. This is the start of the construction of a new teaching block, staff room and dental clinic in this space. Staff car parking bays near the school office will be required for contractors to deliver materials. Please do not drop off or park in this carpark. Parent parking is along Medbury St, Marloo Rd and Ungaroo Rd. Safety is our number one priority so please do not park in the Kiss and Drive on Medbury Road.
I hope you can enjoy some down time and reset for the start of second half of the year.
Kind Regards,
Gary Hobson
Our Vision
Important Dates
Friday 2nd July | Last day of term |
Tuesday 20th July | First day back for students |
Tuesday 27th July | Assembly |
Wednesday 28th July | School Photo day |
News from Room 18
Room 18 have had a very busy time learning about British colonies in Australia during history. They have watched videos and power points about the discovery and exploration of Australia, the arrival of the first fleet in Sydney and the development of the Swan River Colony in Perth. They also learned of the impact colonisation had on the Aboriginals and compared cultures. We made paper sailing ships, decorated boomerangs and learnt about how convicts helped build our state and the difference gold discoveries made.

In Health we have been learning about Protective Behaviours and the students now know they have the right to feel safe at all times and that they can talk with someone about anything no matter what it is. The students explored their early warning signs, personal space, and created their own Network Helping Hands.

During class this term, Room 18 have continued on with our cooking program and we have made a variety of things such as Macaroni bake, apple cake and broccoli tater tots. Most children tasted their cooking and they all enjoyed experience.

Room 18 have continued to work hard on their literacy and maths outcomes and have had an enjoyable semester with a number incursions and excursions.
Well done Room 18!
ESNN Performance
On Thursday students from Westminster ESC participated in the ESNN Performing Arts Concert at the new Performing Arts Centre at Belridge Secondary College. This was a wonderful event where students from Education Support North Network schools came together to showcase their talents in a fantastic space. Our Westminster team had enjoyed practising their dance routine at school and were very excited when they finally had their chance to shine! The students and staff had a brilliant time watching all of the acts and our team should be very proud of their performance.

Some of the students from rooms 5, 6, 18 and 20 participated in a 4 week bowling program at Zone Bowling Morley. It was wonderful to see students enjoy the whole Bowling experience. The students continued to develop their bowling skills and practiced good sportsmanship when supporting and encouraging each other.

Merit Awards - Week 10
Salahadin Ahmed | Room 5 |
Hussein Al-Badir | Room 6 |
Jonathan Doan | Room 7 |
Vosanda Senanayake | Room 18 |
Zac Nikoloski | Room 20 |
Our Super Stars

School Photo Day - 28th July
Razzamatazz 2021
School Uniforms

Westminster Education Support Centre uniforms are available to purchase from Tudor Uniforms.
Address: 1/75 Excellence Drive, Wangara
Trading hours: Monday – Friday 8am-4.30pm.
Or visit: https://tudorschooluniforms.com.au/
Royal blue undershirts, leggings, head scarves, socks and shoes can be purchased through stores such as Kmart and Big W.

School Canteen

Westminster Undercover Cafe
Open Thursday and Friday's 8.30am-1.20pm
Cash or online (www.quickcliq.com.au)
Cash orders to be placed by 9.20am, online orders close at 8.30am
Autism Connect
Phone: 1300 308 699
Email: info@autismconnect.org.au
Web: https://www.amaze.org.au/autismconnect/
Autism Connect is Australia’s first national autism helpline. It provides information, advice and referrals to help people with autism, their supporters and professionals. Autism Connect is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Service and delivered by Amaze, the peak body for people with autism and their families in Victoria. Autism Connect is not a service provider and so provides impartial advice . The helpline staff take a capacity building approach, to empower and assist people contacting the helpline to take the next steps with information, supports and services in their local area. While it is not a counselling service, staff will assist with referrals to services including to crisis support service.
Kiss and Drive
Kindergarten 2022
Community Sports
School Board Members
Chair Person Susan Beltman
School Members Kirsten Dunn
Suzette Boeyen
Jan Tilbrook
Raphaela Shilo
Parent Members Natalie Krekora
Vanessa Garland
Community Members John O’Rourke
Krista Kerr
Jia White