Week 3 Term 3
Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back to another term. Term 3 is already looking to be a busy one with NAIDOC Day, Sports Carnivals, Science Week and Book Week.
As you may be aware, there have been several staffing and classroom changes this term due to increasing enrolments. I would like to thank those families affected for your support and understanding during theses changes.
Congratulations to Gary Hobson who has been seconded to Statewide Services for Term 3. We would like to welcome Jessica Bates (Acting Deputy Wed-Fri), Kirryn Phillips (Room 19), Rosario Carroll (Rm 5 M & F, STEAM Tues & Wed), Kristy Brennan (K/PP) and Elyssa McClernon (Rm6, 20, & 4). I’m sure the school community will make them feel very welcome.
I would also like to congratulate Claire Deans on becoming Acting Deputy on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Term 3 Events
Please take note of the term planner attached. We are currently looking at re-organising the cancelled community morning tea to the 23rd of August (Wk6), Sports Day is on the 20th August (Wk5) and the ESC Sports Day at Beldon will be on 7th September (Wk8). We look forward to seeing all our families there.
School Review
This term will see our school going through the school review process again. This happens approximately every 3 years. Last time we received an outstanding review and I expect the same this time around. Part of the process does involve parent feedback so you may be called on to provide this.
Building Works
Building works are continuing. Please be mindful that parents ARE NOT TO PARK in the staff car park unless you have an ACROD sticker. You will be asked to move. Alternative parking is on the back oval or Medbury road.
Looking forward to a great term.
Kind Regards
Kirsten Dunn
Acting Principal
Our Vision
Naidoc Celebrations
On Wednesday the 28th of July the Westminster Education Support Centre and Primary Schools came together to celebrate NAIDOC 2021. The event began with a welcome from the Koorlangka group followed by a Spirit and Emu dance. A representative from the City of Stirling addressed the school and Westminster students then performed the National Anthem. Lastly, guests Katelan Stack and Leon Wilson addressed the staff and students.
The students then participated in an array of activities throughout the day. These included Damper making and bush tucker tasting, face painting, a craft table, a collective canvas, storytelling and dance.
Westminster ESC would like to thank our students Phoeniix, Indi, Harrison and Kai for preparing and guiding their peers through such a fun and engaging collective canvas activity. The collective canvas represents Westminster’s new school logo and the many trees that are a big part of our surrounding school environment. The honkey nuts used by the staff and students to paint are from the gum trees at the school and represent all the people in our school community.
Mrs Rose

P & C News
Founded in 1921, WA Council of State School Organisations Inc. (WACSSO) has been partnering
with parents and carers in public education across Western Australia to improve the outcomes of
students in government schools – because WACSSO believe every student should have access to
the best education possible. For 100 years, WACSSO have provided representation for WA Parents
and Citizens' Associations (P&Cs), emphasising the important role parents and school communities play in a child's education.
On the 23rd July it P&C WA Day, P & C Day started in 2019 by WACSSO as a day for school communities to give thanks to their P&C for all their hard work and contributions. The day was celebrated by schools, parliament members, and other education stakeholders throughout Western Australia, with a range of differentevents being held to show appreciation for P&C members.
We were invited to Parliament House for lunch and a tour of Parliament as appreciation
for all the volunteers on P&C day by David Michael MLA, Member for Balcatta.

David Michael MLA, Member for Balcatta, Priya Patel, Eleanor Gibbons, Sitou Olivia Sehouenou,
Prajish Krishnan, Christina Maria Soosa, Norman Gibbons, Wayne Martin, Kanchan Maharjan and
Tania Haeusler
Fund Raising Coordinator required
We are seeking for a fund raising coordinator to be part of P&C team. Fundraising coordinator will
be in charge of carrying out fund raising activities each term to raise fund for schools. Current P&C
team is working on big fund raising projects and need a dedicated person for each term, fund
Volunteers/Sports Carnival
Volunteers are always welcomed in the canteen and for fund raising activities. We need volunteers for the Sports Carnival on the Friday 20th August 2021. Please see Norm at canteen on Thursday or Friday and drop your name if your able to assist the P&C on sports day with our portable canteen or sausage sizzle.
Thank you
P & C
Your Move

Our school is a member of the Your Move Schools program.
Your Move encourages students and their families to get active by walking, scooting and riding safely to school.
Making a small behavioural change by actively travelling to and from school a few times a week can result in huge benefits for your child and the community. These include:
· Reduced congestion, travel times and parking problems around schools;
· Reduced carbon dioxide emissions around the school;
· Lifelong improved health and emotional wellbeing due to instilling positive physical activity habits at a young age;
· Improved concentration and academic performance;
· More sustainable and cost-effective transport outcomes, such as reducing the need for investment in parking that may only be utilised for a short period each day, and reduced road infrastructure maintenance costs.
· Everyone can get involved in Your Move. Do you live too far away? Why not drive to a nearby park or café and then walk the rest of the way? Concerned about safety? Why not join your kids in walking or riding to school once a week? Small changes still make a big difference.
Here are some safety tips from SDERA about walking with your child to school
Here are some safety tips from SDERA about walking with your child to school
Walking to school
· Hold your child’s hand
· Choose the safest route possible
· Walk the route with your child
· Identify safety houses along the way
· Teach your child the basic rules about being a pedestrian while you’re walking with them
· Always stop, look, listen and think before stepping onto the road
· Ask your child questions about what they’d do in certain situations when you’re walking
· Explain to your child why paying attention to certain things when walking is important
For further information see Your Move: More Ways to Get There
Department of Transport

Westminster Child & Parent Centre
Razzamatazz 2021
VacSwim Swimming Lessons
Enrolments are now open for VacSwim swimming lessons during the October and summer school holidays.
VacSwim offers fun lessons at beach or pool locations across WA. Not only is VacSwim a great school holiday activity, it also teaches valuable safety skills to help keep your child safe in the water.
Your children can start as young as five years old.
Don’t wait! Enrol your children in VacSwim now at education.wa.edu.au/vacswim

School Canteen

Westminster Undercover Cafe
Open Thursday and Friday's 8.30am-1.20pm
Cash or online (www.quickcliq.com.au)
Cash orders to be placed by 9.20am, online orders close at 8.30am
School Uniforms

Westminster Education Support Centre uniforms are available to purchase from Tudor Uniforms.
Address: 1/75 Excellence Drive, Wangara
Trading hours: Monday – Friday 8am-4.30pm.
Or visit: https://tudorschooluniforms.com.au/
Royal blue undershirts, leggings, head scarves, socks and shoes can be purchased through stores such as Kmart and Big W.

Voluntary Contributions
A big thankyou to those who have already paid these.
Kindergarten 2022
School Board Members
Chair Person Susan Beltman
School Members Kirsten Dunn
Suzette Boeyen
Jan Tilbrook
Raphaela Shilo
Parent Members Natalie Krekora
Vanessa Garland
Community Members John O’Rourke
Krista Kerr
Jia White