Week 9 Term 3
Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers,
Week 9 of Term 3, how did we get here!
Book Week
For those parents/carers that attended the Book Week assembly you would have seen the outstanding acting talents of Mr Godfrey. His version of Prince Charming was impeccable. All the students and staff who dressed up looked spectacular.
Beldon ESC Sports Day
Last Tuesday the whole school attended Beldon for their annual education support sports day. The weather was magnificent and so were the students. Congratulations to Zac and Julia on becoming champion boy and girl; well deserved.
Sporting Grants
Next term in addition to the year4-6’s going swimming we have organised through sporting grants t-ball, bowling and more gymnastics sessions. It’s going to be a very sporty term!
Building Works
The building works are coming along. At this stage the refurbishment should be complete by the end of term four ready for some of our classes to move into next year.
Enrolments for next year are increasing. If you know of any families looking to enrol their child for kindergarten, they will need to do so soon. If you are planning on leaving the school at the end of this year, please let the office know as soon as possible.
Term 4
Students start Monday 11th October. The mainstream will be having a pupil free day on this day however our pupil free day is Friday the 29th October (Week 3). Please make sure you have arranged for your children to remain at home that day.
School Review
Our School Review is taking place tomorrow. You may see Debi Taylor, Principal Cloverdale Education Centre and Vicki McKeown, Director Public School Review walking around. Julia, Emily and Amelia K will be taking them on a school tour where they will also be talking to parents, Board members and staff on how wonderful Westminster ESC is. Review results will be published next term on our website.
Please take note of the term planner and save the date for any special events such as Graduation and Book Awards.
Thank you for a great Term 3 and enjoy the holidays.
Kind Regards,
Kirsten Dunn
Our Vision
Book Week

Beldon Sports Day

News from Room 20
Wow, it’s hard to believe that we are now nearly at the end of term three! Room 20 has had a really busy and eventful term, participating in a large range of incursions, excursions and school events, which continue to support and enhance our educational programs. Recent events have included Book Week and our whole school sports carnival and our education support interschool carnival held at Beldon ESC. The carnivals were very well organised and we were very lucky that we had fantastic weather for both days. All of these events were certainly enjoyed by our class.
In addition to our athletics carnival practice, this term we have incorporated yoga and mindfulness into our health and physical education program. The class has been very engaged in these lessons and it has been great to see them trying very hard to copy the yoga moves.
As part of our social skills program, Room 20 has been learning about co-operative behaviours. Activities have included the creation of a classroom mural and physical game challenges. Our mural required collaboration on the design and co-operation with sharing materials and giving each other personal physical space, as well as space on the canvas. Our games required students to be mindful of each other’s personal space and to practice good sportsmanship.

Crazy Hair Day

Our year six students have been enterprising by helping to organise the whole school “Crazy Hair Day” fundraiser for the upcoming year six camp. The students went around to all classes distributing flyers and announcing to the classes how students and staff could participate. On the day, the students went back around to collect the contributions and counted the money raised. It proved to be a very successful fundraiser and It was marvelous to see all of the crazy hair creations on the day!

Currently the students are participating in gymnastics weekly obtained through a Club Connect grant. The students have had a great time learning how to balance, do hand stands and somersaults.

Kindergarten 2022
VacSwim Swimming Lessons
Enrolments are now open for VacSwim swimming lessons during the October and summer school holidays.
VacSwim offers fun lessons at beach or pool locations across WA. Not only is VacSwim a great school holiday activity, it also teaches valuable safety skills to help keep your child safe in the water.
Your children can start as young as five years old.
Don’t wait! Enrol your children in VacSwim now at education.wa.edu.au/vacswim

School Uniforms

Westminster Education Support Centre uniforms are available to purchase from Tudor Uniforms.
Address: 1/75 Excellence Drive, Wangara
Trading hours: Monday – Friday 8am-4.30pm.
Or visit: https://tudorschooluniforms.com.au/
Royal blue undershirts, leggings, head scarves, socks and shoes can be purchased through stores such as Kmart and Big W.

School Canteen

Westminster Undercover Cafe
Open Thursday and Friday's 8.30am-1.20pm
Cash or online (www.quickcliq.com.au)
Cash orders to be placed by 9.20am, online orders close at 8.30am
School Board Members
Chair Person Susan Beltman
School Members Kirsten Dunn
Suzette Boeyen
Jan Tilbrook
Raphaela Shilo
Parent Members Natalie Krekora
Vanessa Garland
Community Members John O’Rourke
Krista Kerr
Jia White