2023 Term 1 - Week 9
Our Vision
Principal Message
It is hard to believe that we are moving into Week 9! This term has been a busy and productive one. The students are really starting to understand their routines, with even our littlies transitioning more smoothly around the school. In the playground, the students are developing friendships and deepening already existing ones.
Harmony Day
On Tuesday 21st, we celebrated Harmony Day by wearing cultural dress or orange, completing activities in our classrooms and finally by enjoying a shared lunch. It was fabulous to see many of our families coming together to join in the festivities. As a new person to this community, I was amazed by the incredible community feel and positive atmosphere enjoyed by all.
Please be mindful when parking around the school and ensure you are following the no standing signs and ensure no parking or stopping on the roads. We understand that whilst the school renovations remain incomplete the parking around the school is extremely limited however we ask for your patience and care to keep everybody safe.
For students who attend off-site therapy during school hours, just a reminder to complete the Offsite Therapy Request form. This is very important as the school is responsible for the duty of care and the educational outcomes of students. We have been receiving great feedback regarding the use of our Sensory Room for on-site therapy sessions. If you would like to initiate therapy at school, your therapy provider can start this process by emailing westminster.esc.therapy@education.wa.edu.au
I hope everyone has a great end to our first term of the year!
Kind Regards,
Harmony Day

Important Dates

Thursday 6th Apil | Last day of Term 1 |
Monday 24th April | First day of Term 2 |
Tuesday 25th April | Anzac Day Public Holiday |
Wednesday 10th May | Speech Pathologist Parent Session |
News from T1
What a fantastic start to 2023! Our PP/Year 1 students have made an exceptional start to their learning journey at Westminster ESC.
We have been learning lots and getting to know the new routines and teachers in our class. Our literacy focuses have been engaging in shared reading and nursery rhymes, communication and learning to take turns with friends. Our maths focuses have been counting to 5 and exploring and identifying different colours.
On Wednesdays, Lauren, our school speech pathologist comes and joins in an activity with our students. It has been a great opportunity to help our students engage in communicating and building on skills such as cutting, and gluing.

On Thursdays, we have started our bike riding program. The students have been engaging in bike riding, beginning with wearing helmets and sitting on bikes, working towards riding them.
During morning fitness, we have been focusing on different skills such as balancing, jumping, and throwing and catching. The students have shown great enjoyment in completing different activities in an obstacle course.

On a Monday, Mrs Schipp is running a cooking program. The children are building on their life skills and demonstrate enjoyment in cooking. After each meal they have cooked, the students are able to enjoy it and eat it. One of their favourite foods to cook is Toast.
In music, the students are exploring different instruments and how to use them. It is lots of fun exploring different instruments and the different sounds these instruments make.

During HASS, the students are learning about their different features such as their hair, eyes, and ears. It has been lots of fun looking at our faces in mirrors.
With Mrs Deans, the students have had lots of fun learning about weather. We have looked at sunny and rainy and focusing on what the weather is today.
We also have had lots of fun building on our fine motor skills through play dough, threading and using tongs.
We can’t wait to continue to watch the students learn, explore and flourish at Westminster ESC.

St Patrick's Day
On Friday 17th March, staff and students from Westminster ESC dressed up in green to celebrate St Patrick's day and raise money for the Year 6 fun week. Thankyou to everyone that donated!

Bowling with Room 24
The students in Room 24 are currently paticipating in a four-week program at Zone Bowling Morley which they are all thoroughly enjoying!
Merit Award Winners - Week 8
Julian | Room 4 |
Jackson | Room 5 |
Emmanuel | Room 6 |
Amelia | Room 24 |
Darsh | Room 25 |
Joshua | Room 26 |


This fortnight's Possitive Behaviour Support lesson is 'We Try'
Play Skills

Parent Sessions with Lauren

School Holiday Program

Canteen Counter Sales
On Tuesday 28th March the canteen will be selling the following items of the remaining stock.
Moozies $ 1.50
Quelch $ 0.50
Vege Chips $ 1.00
Juice Bombs : Apple Blackcurrent $ 1.50
Water 600 ml $ 1.00
PARENTS/CARERS ONLY. The following items can be purchased, however parents/carers only can pay and collect. Again, items available until sold out.
Beef Burgers Gourmet (14) $ 1.45 each
Dino Snacks 1 kg bag - one only $ 11.00
Pizza slices frozen : Bacon (1), BBQ chicken (7) $ 2.10 each
Lasagne (11) $ 2.70 each
Pasta Bake homemade (7) $ 2.50
Canteen will be open for both parents/carers and students at lunchtime tomorrow 1.05pm for the above sales only.
Westminster PS P&C is seeking volunteers to help the canteen open and stay open.
If you would like to volunteer please email westminster.esc@education.wa.edu.au or come along to the next P&C meeting on Tuesday 4th April at 8.45am.
Voluntary Contributions
Voluntary Contributions - Kindy to Year 6
$30.00 – Per Student
Payment of Voluntary Contributions can be made with your child’s 2022 booklist or by direct deposit (see below) or cash (with exact money) at the office between 8.00am and 4.00pm, Monday to Friday a receipt will be forwarded on request. Our Bank details for EFT: Westminster Education Support Centre Bank: Commonwealth Bank BSB : 066-040 Acct : 19900532 Reference: Child’s Initial and Last Name Description: Contributions Thankyou to those who have already paid! |

School Board Members
Chair Person | Susan Beltman |
School Members | Carmen Lopez Kirsten Dunn Suzette Boeyen Jan Tilbrook Raphaela Shilo |
Parent Members | Natalie Krekora Vanessa Garland |
Community Members | John O’Rourke Krista Kerr Jia White |