Term 4 week 3 2023
Our Vision
Principal's Article

The sun is shining and term four is well underway. I would like to take this opportunity to recognise our wonderful teachers for their dedication to our students and school community. At Westminster ESC, teachers facilitate safe and supporting environments that foster learning and growth of each individual student. On the 27th of October, World Teachers’ Day was celebrated across Australia and themed ‘Hats Off to Teachers’’. Staff came together with a morning tea and kind word of recognition.
On this date was also our School Development Day. The theme of staff learning for this day was Teaching Quality. The School Culture Survey was reviewed to allow staff to reflect on whole school practices within this domain. Staff engaged in professional learning and workshops, guided by Teaching for Impact
framework. Teaching for Impact outlines what effective teachers believe, what they know, and what they
have to do to have high impact on student achievement. Staff worked within their class groups to
complete activities that allowed practice and development in our agreed approach, explicit teaching. The
day was not all chalk and talk, we all enjoyed a shared lunch and finished the day with some fun team
building games – that brought out the competitive nature of many!
The new building is coming along and in the coming weeks, Andrea and I do another walk through and
review the progress. The project has been an exciting one to oversee, we have met with the landscapers,
builders and design teams. Coordinating the move is becoming a priority. Towards the end of term, staff
will be packing up classes ready for a new start in 2024.
Congratulations Room 26 on today’s assembly item, you did not miss a beat! The drumming made me
want to jump out of my chair and dance. Mrs Fitzgerald and Mrs Bos I recognise your efforts in putting this together.
We are all looking forward to annual events that wrap up the end of the school year – staff are working to
prepare for year 6 camp and graduation, step up day, end of term picnic and Christmas. The next
newsletter will be fun filled with festivities
News from Room 26
The year 4/5 students of room F26 have started term 4 with enthusiasm to learn and improve their skills in all aspects of their learning (academic, social and emotional). They have mastered their morning routines which are a wonderful start to the day. All students enter the class with a smile and hello, and will complete their writing, reading and their choice of fine motor skill activity either independently or with very little prompting.
Students worked very hard during Literacy and Maths, completing rotation work where teachers can focus on their individual goals in these areas. They also love whole class lessons involving picture books and accompanying activities in English, and role playing and hands on activities during location and time lessons in Mathematics.
Music lessons are a favourite of the students in F26, and the focus this semester has been using body percussion (eg. clapping, stomping, patting knees) to experiment with the rhythm of popular pop songs.

During cooking, students have been practising the life skills of cleaning up after cooking, washing and drying the dishes. They have also been trying the food they have been making and some have even discovered new flavours and food that they enjoy!

In Term 3 students had excursions to both the Interschool Sports Carnival and also to Zone Bowling for four sessions for ten pin bowling. They loved catching the bus with their peers and teachers, and by the end of the sessions were better at bowling than some of the teachers.

Every Tuesday, F26 students all love bike riding and have been practicing every week with Mrs Deans. They also enjoy her Science, Technology and Art lessons and love creating and experimenting.

We have had an amazing year so far in F26 and look forward to finishing off the year with lots of learning!
Sensory Day
On the last day of term 3 students had a fun time with theme based play in the ESC playground area for recess and lunch. Thank you to room 6 for organising this play based SENSORY DAY.
SENSORY ITEMS : Shaving cream, bubbles and sand. FOOD SENSORY : Rice, Spaghetti, cereal, herbs for smelling. PAINTING : Paint rollers to paint the cubby house. WATER : Pvc piping zip tied to fence with 2ltr bottles of water and trays with water. PARTY : Popcorn, streamers, balloons and music.

Art Exhibition
Merit award winners
Term 3 Week 8
Luther | Room 5 |
Max B | Room 6 |
Phoeniix | Room 24 |
Malachi | Room 25 |
Damjan | Room 26 |
Term 4 Week 2
Claire | Room 6 |
Simon | Room 5 |
This fortnight's PBS lesson is "We care for our environment and put rubbish in the bin"

Food Sensations
Challenger Baseball

2024 School Bus Transport Assistance

Kindergarten Enrolments
Voluntary Contributions
Voluntary Contributions - Kindy to Year 6
$30.00 – Per Student
Payment of Voluntary Contributions can be made with your child’s 2022 booklist or by direct deposit (see below) or cash (with exact money) at the office between 8.00am and 4.00pm, Monday to Friday a receipt will be forwarded on request. Our Bank details for EFT: Westminster Education Support Centre Bank: Commonwealth Bank BSB : 066-040 Acct : 19900532 Reference: Child’s Initial and Last Name Description: Contributions Thankyou to those who have already paid! |

School Board Members
Chair Person | Susan Beltman |
School Members | Carmen Lopez Kirsten Dunn Suzette Boeyen Jan Tilbrook Raphaela Shilo |
Parent Members | Natalie Krekora Vanessa Garland |
Community Members | John O’Rourke Krista Kerr Jia White |