Term 2 issue 3
Our Vision
Principal's Message

Dear School Community,
As we dive into the exciting adventures of Term 2, it's a perfect time to reflect on the remarkable moments we shared last term and anticipate the wonderful experiences ahead.
One of the highlights of the previous term was the official opening of our school by the Minister of Education, Hon. Dr Tony Buti. This momentous occasion, years in the making, was a testament to the dedication and perseverance of both our staff and community. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all who contributed to making this event a reality.
Looking forward, I am thrilled to announce that our new all ability playgrounds are scheduled to be ready for the start of Term 3. It's an eagerly awaited addition that promises to enhance our students' play experiences. Stay tuned for further updates!
With the cooler weather upon us, our students have returned to school bursting with energy. It's wonderful to witness them embracing outdoor activities and making the most of their playtime.
This term is shaping up to be a whirlwind of activities and excitement. We've already kicked off with the WA Ballet facilitating a 10-week program for several of our classes. It's truly heartwarming to see our students immerse themselves in the art of dance.
Additionally, our budding soccer stars are hitting the field each week as part of our soccer program. The enthusiasm and joy this brings them is truly inspiring.
This Friday, we're thrilled to be hosting Walk to School Day—an initiative aimed at promoting physical activity and road safety. For those joining us, light refreshments will be available at school, along with a coffee van for a much-needed caffeine boost. The morning will be concluded by our regular fortnightly assembly.
The last week of term promises a plethora of fun activities for our students and their families. Keep your eyes peeled for more details!
As we embark on this journey together, I am filled with anticipation for the incredible moments that lie ahead. Let's make this term one to remember!
Warm regards,
Carmen Lopez
Student Wellbeing Officer

Hello Westminster Community,
What a wonderful start I’ve had in Term 1.
Thank you to you all for making me feel so welcome at your fabulous school!
I’ve had a lovely term getting to know all the awesome Admin team, Teachers, EA’s, students and their lovely families. I really enjoy coming to work and you’ve all made Westminster a fantastic place to be!
Starting in term 2 I will be holding a Chill Out Club in the Sensory room near the independent living kitchen. This Club will be held on Wednesdays and Fridays during Lunchbreak. The club will have Games, Lego, Arts and Crafts as well as lots of laughs and fun! I’m hoping the students enjoy this space in the cooler months. I will also continue with my Breakfast Club on Wednesdays and Fridays. All are welcome!
I will be holding Social Skills Workshops helping the students in developing positive social and emotional skills and educating students on their own wellbeing and safety. I hope to be of support to families with NDIS plans and accessing Outside Services where needed and providing an extra layer of support for families in their times of need. So far, it’s been a blast and I’m looking forward to a fantastic term 2.
Best wishes,
Kellie, AKA Mrs Smart
Student Wellbeing Officer
Anglicare WA
Speech Pathologist

Dear Parents and Guardians,
This term we're excited to introduce a new initiative aimed at fostering effective augmentative and alternative communication within our school community.
Core Word of the Week : This term, our focus is on the "core word" of the week. We believe that by highlighting a specific core word each week, we can empower our students to expand their communication skills and vocabulary. Encourage your child to engage with this week's core word and explore its meaning in various contexts at home.
Parent Training Workshop: Beginning Week 3 - Communication
We are delighted to announce the launch of our first parent training workshop, scheduled for Thursday of Week 3. This workshop will concentrate on essential communication strategies to support your child's learning journey. Whether your child communicates verbally or through Pragmatic Organization Dynamic Display (PODD), or Australian Sign Language (Auslan), this workshop aims to equip you with valuable tools and insights to enhance communication at home and school.
Date: Thursday 2nd May 2024
Time: 9am – 10am
Location: Westminister Primary School Library
Don't miss out on this invaluable opportunity to deepen your understanding of communication methods such as PODD and AUSLAN, and learn practical ways to support your child's communication development.
News from Koorlangka 5
I am incredibly proud of the progress our students in Koorlangka 5 have made so far this year.
The students have seamlessly settled into their daily routines, finding comfort and familiarity in the rhythm of our classroom activities. Through consistent schedules and clear expectations, they have embraced structure and are able to independently find their own way around the classroom throughout the day. During our mat sessions, the students have learnt the skills of sitting and listening with a group and engaging with answering questions on the board.
We had a fun start to the year, with plenty of hands-on learning and play-based activities. The students are particularly a fan of water play during the warmer months! The students in K5 have already come so far with their academic skills such as number recognition and counting, pencil grips, cutting skills and their name writing. The students have continued to develop their independent skills such as packing away their lunchboxes and water bottles at the end of the day as well as at our independent workstations.
With communication a big focus in our classroom, our students are beginning and continuing to use their words to make requests and communicate their needs. We will continue to build on their vocabulary through lots of games and play. These developing communication skills have been crucial in the students creating relationships with their peers as well as adults in the room. Many of the students are now working on their sharing and turn taking skills as they begin to join in play with our friends in the playground as well as in the classroom.
I look forward to what the students in K5 can achieve over the rest of the year!
Jessica Callaghan

Anzac Day
During our Anzac service we honoured and thanked the courage, sacrifice and legacy of our Anzac heroes who have served in the armed forces for our country. Lest we forget.

Appendix F - Publishing Media
In compliance with the Department of Education's photo and media consent guidelines, we have asked families to complete the permission form allowing the publication of students' images and work for school purposes. If you consent to your child's image and/or work being published in our school newsletter, on Facebook, or in school publications (such as our business plan or annual report), please sign the hard copy provided and return it to us. Alternatively, if you do not grant consent, please indicate so on the form and return it unsigned. Thankyou very much to those who have already done this, for those who haven't yet, could you please complete and return to the school by 14th May 2024.
Government Student Payment
The State Government has introduced a new initiative to help with cost of living pressures for families with school-aged children.
The new WA Student Assistance Payment will provide parents and carers with a $250 payment for each secondary student, and $150 for each primary school student or kindergartener. You will need a valid WA Student Number (WASN) to be eligible for the payment. Please see attached important information on where to find your child’s WASN.
The payments will be available through the ServiceWA app from the start of Term 2 (April 15), and we encourage you to use the coming weeks to set up your ServiceWA account and digital identity.
Further information is available at wa.gov.au/servicewaapp.
Visit education.wa.edu.au/wasap for information on eligibility and how to claim.

Merit Award Winners
This fortnight's PBS lesson is 'We keep our hands, feet and body to ourselves'.

All Abilities Footballers

Voluntary Contributions
Voluntary Contributions - Kindy to Year 6
$30.00 – Per Student
Payment of Voluntary Contributions can be made with your child’s 2024 booklist or by direct deposit (see below) or cash (with exact money) at the office between 8.00am and 4.00pm, Monday to Friday a receipt will be forwarded on request. Our Bank details for EFT: Westminster Education Support Centre Bank: Commonwealth Bank BSB : 066-040 Acct : 19900532 Reference: Child’s Initial and Last Name Description: Contributions Thankyou to those who have already paid! |
School Board Members
Chair Person | Susan Beltman |
School Members | Carmen Lopez Suzette Boeyen Janice Tilbrook Raphaela Shilo Gokula Sundararaman |
Parent Members | Vanessa Garland |
Community Members | John O’Rourke Krista Kerr Jia White Cailey Dandrea Julie Allsopp |