Issue 9 - 29th June
Principals Message

This is our last week of Term 2, what a journey we have had!
It has been brilliant to see all of our students come back to school and quickly return to their normal routine of teaching and learning.
On Thursday 2nd of July we will have our very own awards assembly in the Library at 2pm. This will allow us celebrate some of the achievements of our students; with all classes each presenting two merit awards. Please come along and help us celebrate.
We are currently working on a new website which will also be supplemented by a new mobile app and the new newsletter format. I would like to recognize our ICT technician Mrs Sundararaman who has been doing a fantastic job in developing it.
Reports will be sent home on Thursday, this semester they will look different. Teachers will be commenting on progress rather than achievement.
Finally enjoy the break, make sure you keep safe and healthy.
Gary Hobson,
Our Vision
Our Super Stars

Congratulations to Blessing, Abol and Hairi who are now riding bikes without training wheels. It has been wonderful to watch their perseverance and determination as they transitioned to the balance bike and then to riding independently.

All the students have made great progress with their bike riding. They follow all the safety procedures before riding such as putting on their helmets using the 2 finger rule and doing an ABC check on their bike. They have also been learning to use the brakes safely, ride as part of a group and follow course directions and signs.

News from ESC 7
It has been a very busy term for all the students in room 7 with lots of learning and fun.
Room 2, 6 and 7 have continued to learn about road safety and practice bike riding and we have had some fantastic developments including two students who can now ride without training wheels! Thanks Mrs Deans, Mrs Vrankovic and Ms Tilbrook for teaching these fantastic bike riding lessons each morning. The students always enjoy morning fitness and love participating in freeze tag, dodgeball and basketball games.
During health lessons, room 7 have been learning all about healthy foods and discovering where our food comes from. The students have made some very interesting recipes and enjoy using different kitchen tools and equipment. They have learnt how to be hygienic in the kitchen and behave in a safe way when around kitchen appliances and tools.
The cooking program has also linked into our STEM project which involves the students from room 6 and 7 creating and designing some lovely garden beds for our verandah area. The students have planted fruit and vegetable seedlings which will eventually provide them with some healthy foods to add to their crunch and sip platter each day. It has been great to learn the whole process of where our food comes from and all about our living world.
The students in room 7 have worked hard on their Literacy and Mathematics lessons and continue to progress in all their learning. A big thankyou to Ms Fahy, Ms Monk and Ms Mahatekar for providing the students in room 7 with lots of fun and exciting activities each day. The students in room 7 have learnt lots of new things and have enjoyed a very busy term!
Mrs Rose

News from ESC 3 & 4 with Mrs McCulloch
I was lovely seeing Room 3 and 4 back to school after the extended break. In History, Room 4 have been exploring the local Aboriginal Noongar seasons and comparing them to the European calendar. The students enjoyed making their posters and learning what flora, fauna and weather patterns are associated with each.
In art we have been also looking at Aboriginal culture learning about different traditional techniques. The students had a great time grounding chalk and adding water to replicate ochre painting and then painting bark and sticks. We also made x-ray paintings and bubble wrap flag prints to represent traditional dot painting.
In music both Room 4 and 3 have been learning about fast and slow tempos and have been practicing playing instruments, dancing and waving scarves along to the music.

We have been examining emotions and the patterns and shapes in faces in art. The students created some fantastic drawings and made backgrounds to represent different emotions.

In history Room 3 have extended their knowledge from Term 1 learning about the past and present. We looked at old pictures from the past of our school and examined how it is different today.

School Photo Day

Our Annual School photo's will be taking place on Wednesday 29th July. All orders now need to be placed online, details are being sent home today. Please ensure all students are wearing school uniform and arrive to school on time.
Our students enjoy celebrating their birthdays with their teachers and fellow class-mates. Whether it be sharing cupcakes or bringing in party bags to give to their friends.

Quinn turned 5 on Friday 19th June

Ammer turned 10 on Monday 22nd June
Important Dates

Term 2 | 2nd July - ESC Assembly |
3rd July - Last Day of Term for Students | |
Term 3 | 20th July - School Development Day |
21st July - First day of term for students | |
29th July - School Photo Day | |
Term 4 | 12th October - School Development Day |
13th October – First Day of Term for students | |
17th December – Last Day of Term for students |
Be You

Be You’s vision is that every learning community is positive, inclusive and resilient- a place where every child, young person, educator and family can achieve their best possible mental health.
How important is exercise?
5-12 year olds should be doing at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensive physical activity every day. It promotes social and emotional skills, as well as physical development of motor skills.
What can Families do?
- Go for a bike ride every day or ride your bike with your children to school
- Play Chasey with your children at a park or in the backyard
- Go for a nature walk around the neighbourhood and discover new treasures and landmarks
- Get you children into team sports such as football, soccer and basketball
- Play with your child at your local playground-climb trees and climbing frames, swing on the monkey bars etc
Research states that the more active time you spend with your child; the more positive outcomes can be achieved. For more information go to:
School Uniforms

Westminster Education Support Centre uniforms are available to purchase from Tudor Uniforms.
Address: 1/75 Excellence Drive, Wangara
Trading hours: Monday – Friday 8am-4.30pm.
Or visit:
Royal blue undershirts, leggings, head scarves, socks and shoes can be purchased through stores such as Kmart and Big W.

Voluntary Contributions
One Child | $20.00 |
Two Chilren | $25.00 |
Three Children | $30.00 |
A big thankyou to those who have already paid these.
Kindergarten 2021
School Board Members
Chair Person Susan Beltman
School Members Gary Hobson
Kirsten Dunn
Suzette Boeyen
Jan Tilbrook
Raphaela Shilo
Parent Members Natalie Krekora
Vanessa Garland
Community Members John O’Rourke
Krista Kerr
Peter Dearlove