Issue 10 - 27th July
Principals Message
Our Vision
Important Dates - Term 3
News from ESC 1
ESC Assembly
Merit Award Winners
School Photo Day
Whole School Assemblies
Be You
Swimming Year 3-6
Year 6 - High School Open Evening
Term Planner
Westminster School Uniform Shop
Voluntary Contributions
Kindergarten 2021
School Board Members
Principals Message

Wow Term 3 Already!
I would like to welcome all our families back and trust that you all had a safe break. Term 3 is set to be a busy and exciting term, with class incursions, sporting events and whole-school assemblies resuming.
There are exciting times ahead for the Westminster Campus. It has been decided to refurbish part of the school to create a new administration block and school entrance, with the added benefit of creating more parking in and around the school. This project will take 12- 18 months to complete. Although this will be slightly disruptive, the benefits for our Community, Primary School and Education Support Centre will be long lasting.
At the end of last term, we held our own ESC assembly where we celebrated the success of many of our students. It was wonderful to see lots of our parents and carers attending. I would like to say a special thank you to our hosts Christian and Elizabeth and also Ashley from the Primary School for doing the Welcome to Country.
Education Support Network
As the Education Support North Network Principal I have been working with the other School Principals in our Network to produce an information booklet. This booklet provides an overview of the different types of special needs educational provision available for students and families in the North Metro Area. One thing this booklet does highlight is that in comparison to other states WA has the best provision for children with disabilities and we are very lucky The Department of Education is so supportive of our sector. There are copies of this booklet in the office and we will be sending out an electronic version in the coming weeks.
It is great to see therapists back on site working along-side our students. All therapists must provide a Therapy action plan for the student to the teacher prior to commencing school-based therapy. The Therapy must support the School’s education plan otherwise should be completed at home or at the therapy provider’s workplace.
Gary Hobson
Our Vision
Important Dates - Term 3
Tuesday 28th July | Whole school Assembly |
Wednesday 29th July | School Photo Day |
Tuesday 11th August | Whole school Assembly |
Tuesday 25th August | Whole school Assembly |
Wednesday 2nd September | Jumps & throws |
Friday 4th September | Sports Carnival |
Tuesday 8th September | Whole school Assembly |
Tuesday 22nd September | Inter-school Carnival |
Friday 25th September | Last day of term for students |
News from ESC 1
Welcome back to school for term 3 from class members and staff of ESC1.
This term started with an art incursion on the first Tuesday back. The purpose of the incursion was to learn about and celebrate local Aboriginal art and culture as part of both the HASS and art curriculums. The students were told about traditional techniques of Aboriginal Art, such as the stories and core symbols presented in Aboriginal art. The boys in the class really enjoyed mixing paint and doing dots with a paint brush or their fingers on the large art work that the whole school contributed to. The finished art pieces will be displayed at school.
In ESC1 we will be learning about different materials such as wood, plastic, glass and metal and then experimenting with the properties of items made from these materials. We are also learning about community helpers such as doctors, firemen and policemen.
This term we are looking forward to the sports carnival in week 7. We have already started practicing for running races and relays and we’re having so much fun! Our cooking program continues and the class enjoyed the first recipe of Jam Slice on Friday.
In oral language we continue to build on last term’s progress and have started the term learning about sea creatures and other things we see and do at the beach.
Have a great term everyone and we look forward to seeing friends and family on sports day.
Kaylene Fitzgerald
Class Teacher

ESC Assembly

On Thursday 2nd July 2020, we held an ESC assembly in the library which celebrated the start of normalcy after Covid-19 restrictions. Room 2 and room 7 enjoyed singing and dancing to our ‘Happy’ song for parents and staff at our first and only assembly for term 2.
The students celebrated being back together, so the song they presented reflected this fantastic attitude. Seeing their smiling faces certainly made me feel happy.
They also shared with the audience, using the microphone, how it’s just the simple things that often make us the happiest.
When asked the question; ‘What makes you happy?’, the students replied saying…
Harry: ‘Seeing my friends makes me happy’.
Blessing: ‘Playing with the dolls at school makes me happy’.
Amelia: ‘Riding my bike makes me happy’.
Hussein:‘Big teddy makes me happy’.
Salahadin: ‘Playing soccer makes me happy’.
Mr Hobson then presented merit awards to many students for their fabulous efforts during the term.
We wish all families many ‘happy’ moments with their loved ones.
Christine Bloomfield
Teacher (HASS, Music and Art).
Merit Award Winners
ESC 1 | Ali Al-Abbasi Rayan Nadeem |
ESC 2 | Japsahib Gill Blessing Gray |
ESC 3 | Mason Maddox Mueez Mumtaz |
ESC 4 | Mayor John Anas Muhammad |
ESC 5 | Jai Higginbottom Josh Hamuli |
ESC 6 | Christian Ierino Ahmed Abdulrazak |
ESC 7 | Harry Gyasal Dirk Argawanon |

School Photo Day

Our Annual School photo's will be taking place on Wednesday 29th July. All orders now need to be placed online, details have been sent home. Please ensure all students are wearing school uniform and arrive to school on time.
Whole School Assemblies
With the Amalgamation rapidly approaching, there will no longer be separate Junior and Senior Assemblies. Whole school Assemblies will be held fortnightly at 2.15 pm on a Tuesday. The first one will be held today in the undercover area. Selected students from ESC classes (except ESC5) will attend these Assemblies.
Be You

At Westminster ESC we have an Action Team as part of our Be You Learning Community. This team consists of Teachers, Education Assistants, Administration and the School Psychologist. They are a central part of Be You and help to develop mental health knowledge and provide guidance in creating a positive community approach to mental health. To help the Action Team implement a whole learning community approach to mental health, we are asking families to complete a very short survey. This gives you a chance to have your say and what direction you would like the school to go in.
Please click on the link below or scan the QR code and complete by this Friday. Results will be published in the next newsletter. Thank you for your support.

Swimming Year 3-6
Unfortunately, the swimming lessons that we had scheduled for Year 3-6 in week 2 & 3 had to be cancelled due to the recent lockdown week and small window of time. We are in the process of rescheduling the lessons, we will let you know as soon as we have the new dates.
Year 6 - High School Open Evening
Term Planner
Westminster School Uniform Shop

The uniform shop is open every Wednesday 8.30-9.30. Alternatively you can can complete an order form through the office. Please note that stocks are currently limited, no new orders will be placed until after the Amalgamation process when a decision has been made regarding the uniform.
Voluntary Contributions
One Child | $20.00 |
Two Chilren | $25.00 |
Three Children | $30.00 |
A big thankyou to those who have already paid these.
Kindergarten 2021
School Board Members
Chair Person Susan Beltman
School Members Gary Hobson
Kirsten Dunn
Suzette Boeyen
Jan Tilbrook
Raphaela Shilo
Parent Members Natalie Krekora
Vanessa Garland
Community Members John O’Rourke
Krista Kerr
Peter Dearlove