Issue 12 - 24th August
Principal's Message
Our Vision
News from ESC 3
Hockey Program
Westminster Sports Carnival
Art Exhibition
Be You
Triple P - Positive Parenting Program
Important Dates
Merit Award Winners - Week 4
Schoolzine App
Crunch & Sip Day
VacSwim Swimming lessons
Westminster School Uniform Shop
Kindergarten 2021
Voluntary Contributions
Term Planner
Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers,
This is an exciting time for our Westminster Community. Next year there will be one primary school and our centre. To support this the Premier recently announced an unprecedented package to modernise Western Australian schools as part of the WA Recovery Plan. The Major School Upgrade package of new funding for upgrades and refurbishments at 63 public schools around the State.
I am pleased to advise $10 million has been allocated for infrastructure upgrades or refurbishments at Westminster. This is in addition to the 2.8-million-dollar administration building project. We welcome this announcement which will create local jobs for WA workers and deliver exceptional learning facilities for Westminster students, staff and school community.
The amalgamation of the two primary schools has also presented the opportunity to redesign the school uniform and logo. I hope to have the final designs available in our next newsletter. Because of this change the 2021 families of Pre-primary – Year 5 students will receive a free uniform pack to the value of $250. In the meantime, please take advantage of the P&C uniform sale with 50% off all stock.
If you have any questions, please feel free to book an appointment with me.
Kind Regards,
Gary Hobson
Our Vision
News from ESC 3
The students are having a busy and fun filled Term 3. They have been working hard on their individual learning programs and practicing social skills. We have been lucky to have a few sunny days and were able to take advantage of the sunshine and have extra play on the playground. We are so proud of everyone, watching them play and having fun together.
We have been exploring Chemical Sciences through Literacy and Technology. The science program is called ‘All mixed Up’ and we are investigating mixing ingredients and materials for fun, for eating and for science. So far we have read ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ and investigated what happens when we mix oats and water. Everyone had a go at mixing, feeling and tasting the porridge. We also used Robotics- ‘Dash’ and ‘Blue Bots’, to help Goldilocks find the right size chair and bed. This week we are reading ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and we are investigating making cement using corn flour and conditioner. Don’t forget to ask your student if it worked and what it felt like and smell like.
We have also been very lucky to be able to participate in the Launchpad Gymnastics program this term. The students are practicing their Fundamental movement patterns and learning to work with friends, waiting turns and build self-esteem. It has been wonderful to see the enthusiasm and happy smiled on everyone’s faces.

Hockey Program

Inclusive Hockey has been running sessions on Monday mornings and are run by Hockey WA. Rooms 2, 6, and 7 have enjoyed learning all about hockey and keeping fit and healthy.
Hockey WA has delivered these fun sessions with Ian, a knowledgeable and experienced coach. Students are introduced to the sport of hockey in an inclusive, fun, and safe environment. The sessions promote being physically active and have included fun games and activities, physical literacy and skill development.

Westminster Sports Carnival

The students have been training hard for sports day, practising their running races and games. At this stage the main Sports Day will be going ahead on Friday 4th September with parents invited.
Please remember on the day to:
- Social distance 2 sqm
- Wash hands regularly and
- Please stay home if you are feeling unwell.
Parents will have a separate area to sit in and are not permitted in the children’s bays.
Looking forward to a great day.
Art Exhibition
Be You

Triple P - Positive Parenting Program
Important Dates

Tuesday 25th August | Whole school Assembly |
Wednesday 2nd September | Jumps & throws |
Friday 4th September | Sports Carnival |
Tuesday 8th September | Whole School Assembly |
Tuesday 22nd September | Inter-school Carnival |
Friday 25th September | Last day of term for students |
Merit Award Winners - Week 4
ESC 1 | Vosanda Senanayake |
ESC 2 | Amelia Krekora |
ESC 3 | Suad Hamzah Alam |
ESC 4 | Ameer Algelhwe |
ESC 6 | Noah Hansen |
ESC 7 | Hairi Bin Remee Azeze |

Schoolzine App
Welcome to Westminster ESC’s SZApp! Download the SZapp on your mobile phone from the App store (for iOS devices) or from Play store (for android devices) ) to receive notes, reminders, newsletters as push notifications from the school on your mobile device.
Click on the following link for the step by step instruction on how to download and register to our school App.
Crunch & Sip Day

The month of September is the Great Vegie Crunch month. The Great Vegie Crunch aims to get children around WA crunching together on vegetables and having fun doing it.
Our Great Vegie Crunch day will be happening on Friday the 4th of September (Sports Day). Please send in a variety of vegetables with your child so they can join the school in seeing how loud we can crunch!!
VacSwim Swimming lessons

Enrolments are now open for VacSwim swimming lessons during the October and December/January school holidays.
October is a great time to get your children ready for summer and January offers fun lessons at beach or pool locations during the long break.
Your children can start as young as five years old.
Enrol your children in VacSwim now at
Westminster School Uniform Shop

The uniform shop is open every Wednesday 8.30-9.30. Alternatively you can can complete an order form through the office. Please note that stocks are currently limited, no new orders will be placed until after the Amalgamation process when a decision has been made regarding the uniform.
Kindergarten 2021
Voluntary Contributions
One Child | $20.00 |
Two Chilren | $25.00 |
Three Children | $30.00 |
A big thankyou to those who have already paid these.