Specialist Services

Speech Pathologist


Westminster ESC have been included in the NEMLDC Speech Pathologist in Schools program, since 2022. This program provides a specialist assessment, intervention, consultation and training service for schools.  Helena as our school based speech pathologist, working once a week on Thursdays. With eight years of experience in the paediatric community disability sector, she brings in a wealth of knowledge and a deep passion for supporting children's communication and social skill development. Helena is working closely within the classrooms, providing tailored support to teachers and students. Additionally, hosting engaging parent workshops, aimed at empowering you with the tools and techniques to further nurture your child's communication skills at home. 

Student Wellbeing Officer


We are delighted to announce that Kellie Smart has taken on the role of Student Wellbeing Officer at our school. Kellie will be available two days per week, on Wednesdays and Fridays, to provide support to our students and families. Some of the ways Kellie will be assisting our school community include: 

  • Meaningful engagement with students through a wide range of school-based activities including social skills lessons and facilitating social clubs during break times.
  • Individual informal support for students that is strengths-based, and solution focused. 
  • Run Social Skills Second Step Program to learn self regulation and social- emotional skills.
    Knowledge of and linkages to community-based support services and programs, and identification of referral pathways for young people. 
  • Support for young people to access and connect with community-based services.
  • If requested by the school, outreach to disengaged students and their families.  
  • Provision, brokerage and/or facilitation of school wellbeing workshops or programs, including on subjects such as healthy relationships; healthy lifestyles; mindfulness; mental wellbeing; cyber safety and - for older students - independent living skills; sexual health and relationships; legal information; conflict resolution and setting boundaries. 
  • Contribution to the development of whole school wellbeing strategies. 
  • Sensitive and culturally safe ways of working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, and students from culturally diverse backgrounds. 
  • Integrated knowledge of NDIS and outside family supports.

Kellie's presence will greatly enhance our efforts to ensure the well-being and success of every student at Westminster Education Support Centre.

School based Therapy

Westminster ESC recognises that effective therapy services can strongly contribute to the lives of students and enhance the professional knowledge of our staff. We welcome therapists to conduct therapy on or off site between the hours of 8.40am – 2.45pm however therapeutic programs need to be:

  • clearly linked to and will optimise Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and/or Individual Behaviour Support Plans (IBSP) outcomes for the student and/or will enhance positive educational experiences;
  • implemented in ways that maximise student engagement in educational programs, and
  • carried out at times and in ways that minimise disruption to classrooms.

Before the therapy can commence on or offsite parents, therapists and the school will need to complete the documents and read all the information provided below. These include:

  1. Parent/Carer Request Form
  2. Service Schedule-and all legally required documents

The therapy sessions are conducted in various classroom blocks across the school site for easier transtion of students to the therapy room. Our schedule times are aligned with the school start and finish times along with student recess and lunch breaks. Based on this we offer the following sessions for appointments in the therapy room: 8.40-9.40, 9.40 - 10.40, 11.10 - 12.10, 12.10 - 1.10, 1.45 - 2.45. Therapists are welcome to request a shorter time within the session, however we cannot accommodate longer sessions or times that are different to the ones above.

Please note that requests for change of dates/ times will not be considered due to tight scheduling of the therapy room and negative effects these changes can have on student routines and classroom timetables. Bookings made will be permanent for the year.

Please email or return forms to our Therapy coordinator, Gokula Sundararaman at westminster.esc.therapy@education.wa.edu.au. Once all forms are completed, we will contact you to make a booking. 

Any queries please phone on 9413 5000.

Appendix 1   Parent/Carer Request Form


Appendix 2  Service Schedule

Service_schedule Form.docx

Appendix 3  Information to Parents when seeking external service providers


Appendix 4 Information on 'Request for Service providers' Process and Obligations

Process of Request for Service Providers.pdf

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